Bravo Team works with the Congolese Army on a covert mission to capture the head of a rebel militia group. Also, Jason argues with Emma about college, and Sonny and Davis make a big decision about their future.
Reese and Finch become trapped in a hospital which has just become ground zero for a deadly viral outbreak. Also, Samaritan’s newest recruit has second thoughts, and Shaw continues to struggle with reality.
Andy and Danny investigate the robbery of an elderly couple. Medavoy and Jones deal with a wealthy woman with a grudge against her former maid. Danny's informant, J.B., seems headed for disaster.
The detectives, with the help of Eddie's brother the priest, discover that teenage Rwandan refugees were the assassins in two mob-related cases.
Eugene defends a man who accidentally killed a friend during a gang initiation ritual. Gamble prosecutes a driver who struck and killed a homeless man. Rebecca stomps a rodent to death shortly before being honored by an animal rights organization.