Your favourites are back for another crack at the coveted MasterChef title. Up for grabs tonight is this season's only immunity pin and joining them all week is chef extraordinaire, Gordon Ramsay.
Teams must cook a three-course meal in a relay style cook. Each team member starts a course and after 20 minutes must swap to the next course. The most cohesive menu with the best dishes wins.
The contestants discover today's mystery box, covered in a Union Jack flag, has been set by guest chef Gordon Ramsay. Who's first into Grand Finale Week?
Each team must cook a three-course meal for 120 guests. The judges reveal three ingredients: black garlic, ginger and potatoes. Each team must feature one of the ingredients in each course.
Every contestant is up for elimination, except the winner of Thursday's immunity challenge.The pressure mounts for all contestants to deliver delicious dishes and keep their place in the competition.