Drama has an offer from a major director on a big movie sequel. Ari finds a backer for 'Medellin,' but the source of his wealth, and his wife's intentions toward Vince, are shady. Turtle has a date with Kelly--under the watchful eye of her father.
Inspector Chappel's betrayal of an old friend leads to death.
Convinced that Schiller murdered her husband, Marta asks for help with a revenge plot; Irwin wants to make up for the damage he has done.
Marta learns new information about Natalie's kidnapper and her husband's murder; Gabriel decides to deal with a dangerous problem himself; Kat and Ramos restart their relationship.
Marta wears a wire to a meeting with Schiller in hope of building a case against him; Marta starts working with an influential woman with whom Schiller has a long history.