It’s all about the Lakes, and Hettie Jago hunts for animal-themed antiques, including equine vesta cases and Japanese netsukes in the form of crabs. David Harper tracks down a bear and an Art Deco figurine.
David Harper and Hettie Jago visit Glasgow, then travel south through the Scottish Borders. Along the way, they scoop up an enamel necklace, vintage pens, a dusty pair of Victorian portraits and more.
In Cumbria, Hettie Jago buys two stunning brooches made centuries apart, while David Harper finds a Great War campaign chest and a stunning copper charger.
On the last day of their trip, Hettie Jago has one last chance to catch up with David Harper. Hettie invests in varied items, from inkwells to hat stands and one big-ticket item. David waits for an urns stand, only to find two at once.
David Harper pairs up with Hettie Jago, who is new to the Trip. Starting off in Perth, Hettie spots a pair of fish jugs, while David tries to compete with a beaded tapestry featuring man’s best friend.