In the series premiere, former Bachelor and Bachelorette contestants arrive in Tulum hoping a possible summer fling turns into the real thing. But paradise has a few surprises.
Two new bachelorettes join with one man in mind: Marquel. Plus, AshLee gets her wish to go on an overnight date with Graham and a debilitating injury could send one bachelor home.
Three new bachelors arrive in paradise and things at the houses heat up when the outspoken AshLee is caught gossiping about Clare, leading to an epic confrontation.
A shocking exit reveals an outside relationship and two new bachelors join the group in paradise. Plus, Lacy and Marcus get cozy and Clare goes on multiple dates.
Some couples find true love and ride off into the sunset together; for others, their journey will end. Plus, one nervous bachelor steals his lady away - what will happen next?