As New York City is still recovering from the Draft Riots of 1863, Detective Kevin Corcoran finds himself investigating the murder of a young Five Points girl that hits uncomfortably close to home.
A transport gone wrong leaves a very dangerous troubled person on the loose, and has Audrey and Nathan searching for answers about Audrey’s identity and her connection to Haven
When a figure from Corcoran's past returns to Five Points, he finds that nothing is as it seems when it comes to his daughter's mysterious death and his wife's disappearance.
When the body of an Irishman is discovered lynched, racial tension in Five Points builds. As the public cries for a hanging, Corcoran begins to question every piece of evidence that comes his way.
During a murder investigation, Corcoran finds new clues about his daughter's death and the disappearance of his wife, as well as a tragic personal link to one of Five Points' most infamous women.