In the pilot episode of this hit comedy series, an innocent bunch-up in Larry's trousers gives rise to an embarrassing situation.
At Uncle Philip's insistence Will joins his prep school's poetry club, and he enlists Geoffrey's help when he must present a "poet" for a reading.
After spending a night of reckless behavior with Logan, Rory is rescued by her mother. But Lorelai is shocked to hear her daughter's plans for the future. Lorelai first asks Richard and Emily for help but soon realizes that Luke is the only person she can trust.
Harm, Mac and Bud believe that an apparent bungling by the Navy in the downing of a North Korean airliner was a plot to make the United States look bad.
Brenda and Donna adopt a stray dog, Rocky, who they fear has been mistreated. Meanwhile, Brandon and Kelly's fake relationship takes a very real turn during a Task Force retreat, which upsets and confuses Kelly.