Arthur accepts a job at Carrie's company, while Doug and Deacon compete for a place in their company's hunks calendar. (TV-PG)
Doug's gift of Lasik eye surgery to Carrie results in her temporary blindness. (TV-PG)
Doug's bowling team prepares for a tournament, while Carrie agrees to babysit Mr. Kaplan's son, in hopes of furthering her career. But when Doug throws out a mercy flirt and Carrie runs into an awkward set of hands, all goes downhill.
When a co-worker receives flowers, a jealous Carrie realizes that Doug is no longer the Don Juan he used to be.
Carrie hears that her law firm is laying off people and worries about her job, though her resigning boss is only worried about getting an omelette bar goodbye party. Meanwhile, Doug is in hot water with Deacon when he loses the Koosh ball Deacon received from his son as a gift.