As Peri and Areta begin to become a bird and a reptile, the Doctor faces Sil, who has negotiated to own all mining rights on Varos, depriving the Doctor of what he needs...
The scientist Crozier keeps making empty promises and Yrcanos and Peri are seemingly betrayed by the addled Doctor who is sure the Matrix is being manipulated...
The next story the Valeyard shows the Doctor sees the TARDIS arrives on Thoros-Beta, homeworld of the Mentors and the Doctor's old foe, Sil...
Kiv's brain rejects his new body and Crozier is forced to rethink his plan. From the trial room, the Doctor can only watch as Peri and Yrcanos appear to be killed.
As the Possidor Ambassador visits, Sil is appalled to realise Crozier has selected Peri to be the Kiv's new host body - a move Yrcanos takes exception to with devastating results.