"The Spencer Sisters" is a female-led, lighthearted procedural that follows mystery novelist Victoria Spencer and her daughter, Darby Spencer, who are mistaken as sisters as they tackle puzzling cases.
Astral projection becomes a vehicle for murder when the agents encounter an embittered quadriplegic with the ability to project his spirit outside his body.
Jessica (Angela Lansbury) becomes involved in an internal police investigation when a colleague (Kasi Lemmons) is left for dead in an accident in which a rookie policeman is killed. Guest stars: Stan Shaw, Wolfgang Bodison.
Brandon wins the election, but Josh's death hangs heavy on him. Alex tells Brandon he's contesting the election, using Josh's death as leverage to unseat Brandon. Meanwhile, Donna finally meets a man that makes her forget David.
Ben Matlock flies out to Hollywood to defend a beautiful former actress, Catherine Welden, who formed a lucrative cosmetic business only to be accused of murdering an ex-lover who was blackmailing her.