Aidan deals with the power vacuum and orphan vampires left behind when Bishop died, Josh prepares to reenter medical school and embrace a normal life with Nora, and Sally’s ghost powers grow stronger as she wonders what will happen to her now that she’s missed her door…
Josh deals with the discovery that Nora’s been turned into a wolf, Aidan helps Suren take control of Boston, and Sally discovers new ghost powers as she hangs out with her new ghost friends.
The Reaper offers Sally a job, Josh and Julia face their past, and Aidan and Suren get rid of Boston’s fringe vampires once and for all.
Sally learns more about the Reaper, an old friend pays Josh a visit, and Aidan does whatever it takes to save Henry’s life.
Aidan resurfaces from being grounded and finds the vampire community vastly changed. Ghost Sally fights to return from limbo and Josh and Nora face Ray while an ominous visitor comes to Boston looking for them.