Morticia decides to keep the children home from school after she sees the fairy tales they have to read. When the truant officer comes to investigate he finds Morticia tending her garden of hemlock and poison ivy and Gomez blowing up bridges on his model train set.
Pugsley and Wednesday start a row at a brithday party when their gift of a tarantula upsets Harold the birthday boy. Harold's parents insist that the Addams children lack breeding and therefore are no longer allowed to play with their son. Gomez and Morticia then hire a genealogist to trace their heritage.
Mr. Briggs the postman is hired by the government to do undercover work in the Addams house. While pretending to be a stamp collector he investigates rumors that coded radio messages are being sent from the house.
Caine (DAVID CARRADINE) is injected into a war between a hate-maddened detective (BARRY SULLIVAN) and an outlaw (ANDY ROBINSON) leading a gang of ex-farmers victimized by a railroad.
Morticia and Gomez see Fester conferring with TV muscleman Jack LaGrann (Jack LaLanne) and think that Fester is planning a television career. However Uncle Fester confides to Lurch that he has to go on a secret diet and exercise because his Folies Bergere pen pal is coming for a visit.