Jackson Oz, a young renegade American zoologist living in Africa, discovers a link between strange animal attacks on people occurring around the world and his late father's controversial theories about an impending threat to the human race. Meanwhile, journalist Jamie Campbell and veterinary pathologist Mitch Morgan team up to investigate similar abnormal animal behavior in Los Angeles.
In the series premiere, seven women are transformed, seemingly overnight, from military spouses to American royalty as they prepare for the mission of a lifetime when NASA chooses their husbands, talented test pilots from around the country, to be the first Americans in space! These women who once were strangers rally around their husbands and their country.
As Louise and Alan Shepard bask in the success of his mission, Betty Grissom preps for Gus' launch and turns to Louise for advice. And Annie Glenn grapples with her stutter, anticipating that the press will want to hear from her after John's orbit is completed.
It's Scott Carpenter's turn to go up, and as the world, and the Astronaut Wives, ready themselves for his launch, Rene receives the opportunity to tell her own story, in her own words, in LIFE Magazine.
While the Cold War intensifies and the Cuban Missile Crisis comes to a head, the Mercury 7 families begin glamorous new lives in Houston. But Houston also marks the start of the Gemini Project, and with it, the arrival of the Gemini wives, which changes the dynamic among all the women. Marge and Deke embrace new roles after learning about Deke's permanent status, and Trudy and Gordo's personal "cold war" begins to thaw.