F... the Lemurs
The Peyton’s meet with Grace's psychiatrist Dr. Bowen. During the meeting, Grace asks to be put on medication. They agree to try it. Dr. Bowen asks Kevin and Jackie if there's anything going on at home she should know about. At work, Jackie asks Eddie if he can fill Grace's prescription, he's cagey. Akalitus pulls Jackie off a case and tells her that she's putting her on probation based on an inquiry that has come down from HR. Jackie asks her not to tell any of the other nurses she's onprobation and she immediately interrogates O'Hara. O'Hara and Jackie argue in front of the staff who immediately takes sides. O'Hara pulls Jackie aside and tells her she'll help her keep her cover (she'll handle meds so no one will notice Jackie's probation). Coop asks Akaltius if he can reserve the chapel for his wedding—he's on the fast track down the aisle. O'Hara tells Coop she's offended he never even considered her as an option. Jackie calls Kevin to see if they can all be home to support Grace as she takes her medication. Kevin promises to be home but doesn't make it back until after Jackie is asleep and slips into bed unseen.