Retired detective Mukai assembles his team. Directed by Masaki Nishiura, 2016.
Hirohashi learns that Yamauchi will plead his innocence on live TV; the Tenso family succession battle reaches its climax. Directed by Masaki Nishiura, 2016.
A journalist asks Hirohashi to tell the truth about the bribery case; Kenta discovers Yamauchi has ties to the yakuza. Directed by Masaki Nishiura, 2016.
Kenta and Maria become closer; Ogawara learns the truth about the inner working of the Self-Defense Forces. Directed by Masaki Nishiura, 2016.
As the Tenso family succession battle intensifies, Kenta is attacked by an unknown person. Directed by Masaki Nishiura, 2016.