Kaushik, the husband of popular journalist Kavitha Naidu, lodges a police complaint when she goes missing. On receiving a threatening call, Dayaa panics and seeks Prabha's help.
Dayaa and Prabha see an opportunity to get rid of their problem when they come across an old woman's corpse. However, later, their van goes missing.
With the cops chasing them, Dayaa and his friends find themselves in grave danger. While Shabana tries to set things right, IPS Harischandra reveals a shocking truth.
Dayaa and Prabha get into trouble while trying to retrieve the buried corpse. As they attempt to escape, a scary surprise awaits them.
In her interview with Kavitha, Swecha reveals why she was raped. In the present, Dayaa brings in help to retrieve the pen drive from Kavitha.
Dayaa goes in search of Swecha but gets waylaid by Prabha's call for help. While Kabir finds Shabana, Harry meets Parashurama Raju with a warning.