Durga, a rich girl, returns from the states to reunite and treat Pavithra from mental illness. On the other hand, Dheeru gets into a race to impress his friends.
Durga feels thankful to Dheeru for saving her from grave danger. Later, Rakshitha and Purushotham are suspicious of Durga's business plans.
Praveen gets urged by Purushotham to collaborate with Durga's business. Later, Dhirendra challenges his friends about his relationship with Durga.
Rakshitha and Purushotham feel relieved when Dayasagar invites them to the inauguration party. Later, Dayasagar alerts Durga about Dhirendra's evil intentions.
Durga's family meets Rakshitha's family in the celebrations. Later, Durga gets happy after insulting Dhirendra in front of the guests.
Durga vows to avenge Dhirendra and Rakshitha after reminiscing about their cruel act towards Pavithra. Later that day, Rakshitha suspects Durga's changed attitude.