Decades since he last merged with Ultraman, Shin Hayata learns of a new threat to Earth. His son, Shinjiro, also shows signs of superhuman strength.
Wearing a protosuit, Shin is critically injured while saving Shinjiro from Bemlar's attack. In desperation, Shinjiro returns to rescue his father.
With Bemlar paving the way for other alien species to attack Earth, SSSP's Edo asks Shinjiro to take on the mantle of Ultraman.
Shinjiro is sent on a mission to exterminate a hostile alien, but the target flees into the city, endangering countless civilians.
After uncovering evidence of alien involvement in a string of bizarre homicides, SSSP agent Moroboshi contacts an informant inside an alien enclave.
Shinjiro’s reluctance to execute homicidal aliens deeply concerns agent Moroboshi. Shin shares with his son what it truly means to be Ultraman.