In the series premiere of Wild Memories TV, Chris “Boomer” Davidson meets Wyatt Tolles and his tracking dog Tess. A friendship is formed. kwhunting
Boomer heads to Kansas to capture Wild Memories with his great friend Charlie Prickett at the Nichols Farm and Outfitters. A farming friendship is born. kwhunting
Vinnie Girardi, a brave thirteen-year-old boy, deals with his mother's cancer diagnosis while creating Wild Memories in Maryland.
Boomer heads to the Lone Star State to meet Jason and his young son Wyatt. Luke Allen Fabian dedicates his time to mentoring the youth and pursuing whitetails in Ohio.
Boomer meets “The Legendary” Johnnie Dale of Buffalo Creek Guide Services. Anthony Gentile, Mark Meeker, and Maddie Brockelbank all pursue wild turkeys in their respective states.
In the season finale episode, Boomer reflects back on all the Wild Memories of this inaugural first season.